
検索キーワード「100 yard zero at 25 yards target」に一致する投稿を表示しています

√1000以上 50/200 zero trajectory 160006-What is a 50/200 zero

Ammo Description Velocity (fps) Energy (ft/lb) Trajectory Tables (inches) CARTRIDGE BULLET ITEM # MUZ 100 yd 0 yd 300 yd 400 yd 500 yd MUZ 100 yd 0 yd 300 yd 400 yd 500 yd MUZ 100 yd 0 yd 300 yd 400 yd 500 yd SF 223 Rem 55 gr GMX ® 274 3250 2849 24 2144 14 1557 1290 991 753 561 411 296 15 14 0 71 218 470 AG 223 Rem 55 gr HP Other riflemen who routinely hunt areas where shots of 300 yards or more aren't uncommon sometimes opt for a 0yard zero This places that same 270 bullet 04 inches low at 25 yards, 141 inches high at 100 yards, 251 inches low at 250 yards and finally slips below the 6 inch vital zone at 257 yards So with a 0 yard zero, a hunter can So you can square, plumb, and level up when aiming at a building, door, car, or person The Eotech is a great optic Too easy The 50/0 zero is similar in theory to the 25/300 zero The choice is yours I prefer the 25/300; Barrel Length Trajectory And Learning Your Zero Everyday Marksman What is a 50/200 zero